Blog & Recipes

So passt du deinen Trainingsplan an deine Fitnessziele an!

Gotti BP //How to adapt your training plan to your fitness goals!

The right training plan is the key to your success! Discover how you can tailor your training plan to your individual goals, your schedule and your regeneration needs. Get tips for effective training and avoid muscular imbalances now!

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Wie Fluchen deine Leistung steigern kann

How Swearing Can Boost Your Performance

Swearing has been proven to improve physical performance. Studies show impressive results in grip strength, push-ups and more. Discover why a little f*** can make a big difference!

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Motivation und Disziplin: Wie du „immer Weider“ machst

Motivation and Discipline: How to “Always Keep Going”

Motivation is the spark, discipline is the fire: together they are the key to achieving your goals. Find out how to overcome setbacks, establish new habits and stick with them in the long term. With the "always keep going" attitude, you will be able to master any challenge!

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Motiviert ins neue Jahr starten: So erreichst du deine Fitnessvorsätze

Start the new year motivated: How to achieve your fitness resolutions

New year, new you? With these 6 motivational tips, you can put your New Year's resolutions into action! Find out how to stay on track.

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5 Tipps für eine fitte Weihnachtszeit: So hältst du deine Ziele trotz Festtagsessen im Blick

5 tips for a fit Christmas season: How to keep your goals in sight despite the holiday meal

Enjoy the holidays without regrets! Discover our 5 simple tips on how to stay healthy during Christmas, keep track of your fitness goals and still enjoy the holidays to the fullest.

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Effektiv Abnehmen im Schlaf: Wie guter Schlaf deinen Diäterfolg unterstützt

Effective weight loss while sleeping: How good sleep supports your diet success

Do you want to lose a few kilos and get in top shape before the end of the year? Then go to bed! Now you're probably wondering how sleep can have a positive effect on your six-pack? We'll explain it...

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