Winter is the mass phase - whether clean or dirty bulk, preparations for the next beach season are in full swing . You can support your muscle building efforts with our new Mega Mass Caps. The high-quality add-on to our legendary Mega Mass weight gainers contains a unique combination of nutrients that, among other things, stimulates muscle proteins, improves regeneration and regulates the hormonal environment in favor of muscle building. It is important that the high-dose Mega Mass Caps are taken as part of a progressive training program and a protein-rich diet. So grab the dumbbells and go full throttle!
How do our new Mega Do Mass capsules affect muscle building?
The process of building muscle is highly complex and depends on the interaction of numerous influencing factors.
Our new Mega Mass capsules have been formulated to optimize some of these factors in favor of muscle building and, in conjunction with a hypercaloric (calorie surplus), high-protein diet, to stimulate muscle growth.
- Stabilization of testosterone levels and reduction of cortisol levels (stress hormone)
- increase in training performance
- Stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (incorporation of new proteins into the muscles)
- Inhibition of muscle protein breakdown
- Stimulation of anabolic hormones and signaling pathways (testosterone, HGH, IGF-1)
- Supporting regeneration after training
- Inhibition of myostatin/increase of follistatin (messenger substances that control muscle growth)
How does muscle growth actually work?
Muscle growth describes the adaptation of the muscles to a stress stimulus through an increase in the cross-section (thickness growth) of the muscle cells (hypertrophy). This increase in the muscle cell cross-section occurs through the formation and incorporation of additional (contractile) muscle proteins (muscle protein synthesis). Muscle cells consist of about 75% water and about 20% proteins. The remaining 5% is primarily made up of fats, glycogen and ions (minerals).
Muscle protein synthesis (MPS), i.e. building up, is opposed to a constant breakdown (muscle protein breakdown). If muscle protein synthesis predominates (MPS > MPB), muscle mass increases. It is therefore important to shift the ratio in favor of MPS through training, nutrition and supplements in order to build muscle.
Why is Ashwagandha in our new Mega Mass capsules contain?
The components of the plant Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha, winter cherry, Indian ginseng, or Indian ginseng, have a long tradition in traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda. Ashwagandha is a so-called adaptogen, which can restore the natural balance in the body.
Ashwagandha can lower cortisol levels, improve sleep quality, increase muscle strength, improve recovery after exercise, increase testosterone levels, and improve sperm quality.
Especially because of its strength-enhancing, regeneration-improving and hormone-regulating effects, Ashwagandha is the perfect addition to our Mega Mass Caps.
Why do our Mega Mass capsules sour cherry juice powder CherryCraft®?
Sour cherries have a high proportion of anthocyanins. These secondary plant substances belong to the group of polyphenols and their subgroup, the flavonoids. The standardized branded raw material CherryCraft® from the renowned raw material manufacturer Iprona has a particularly high content of these plant substances. In addition to the standardization and the higher concentration of anthocyanins, an extract has the advantage over sour cherry juice that it is practically calorie-free.
Anthocyanins have a positive effect on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and training-related loss of strength. This makes tart cherry extract ideal for improving regeneration (Kelley et al. 2018; Hooper et al. 2021).
In a mouse study, administration of tart cherry juice concentrate prevented glucocorticoid-induced muscle breakdown by regulating certain genes associated with muscle breakdown and protein synthesis (Ku et al. 2021).
The researchers administered dexamethasone to the mice, a hormone from the class of glucocorticoids, which has a catabolic (degrading) effect on the muscles through proteolysis (protein breakdown), among other things. Interestingly, increased myostatin release also plays a role in glucocorticoid-induced catabolism.
Tart cherry juice may potentially promote sleep or contribute to improved sleep quality through various mechanisms, such as its high antioxidant content or its anti-inflammatory effects (Kelley et al. 2018; Doherty et al. 2019; Gratwicke et al. 2021).
This multitude of positive properties makes the sour cherry extract CherryCraft® the perfect match for our Mega Mass Caps!
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