Discover the benefits now

Premium Hydration

The perfect thirst quencher

With its valuable ingredients and essential minerals, our Premium Hydration Powder is the ultimate refreshment.

Functional Formula

Premium Hydration provides natural potassium from coconut water powder, L-glutamine peptides, bioavailable electrolytes and much more.

Highest quality ingredients

With premium quality branded raw materials, sugar-free and without artificial colors and sweeteners.

Super convenient

Simply fill a stick pack into a water bottle, shake well and enjoy. Perfect during training or for refreshment throughout the day.

Questions about Premium Hydration

What is Premium Hydration?

The human body consists of about two-thirds water. This, adequate fluid intake is essential for well-being and maintenance of physical and mental performance. The body's water balance is largely regulated by electrolytes. Our refreshing Premium Hydration is a high-quality electrolyte powder that helps to replenish mineral and water losses and to main electrolyte balance.

Why should I use Premium Hydration?

Athletes and physically active people can lose fluids and minerals through heavy sweating. Depending on the intensity and duration of the physical activity and the temperature, the fluid loss can be significant and, on top of impairing performance, can also have serious health consequences.
Under normal circumstances (temperature, normal physical activity) we produce around 100-350 ml of sweat per day. In hot weather and with high training intensity, losses of 2 L of sweat per hour or more are possible. It is therefore important to replace fluid and mineral losses after physical activity. Our Premium Hydration Powder gives you everything you need - and is absolutely refreshing too!

When is the best time to take Premium Hydration?

Our refreshing Premium Hydration is perfect for consumption during or after physical exercise. Apart from that, you can drink it at any time of the day, whenever you feel you need a refreshing electrolyte beverage! Your body will definitely be happy about the high-quality ingredients and the bioavailable minerals.