Blog & Recipes

Dennis Training

The best sports supplements: These 5 products you really need

Discover the 5 most effective nutritional supplements for athletes: beta-alanine, creatine, protein and more. Scientifically based, practically explained!

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Die besten Supplements für Muskelwachstum: Wissenschaftlich fundierte Empfehlungen für Bodybuilder und Kraftsportler

The best supplements for muscle growth: scientifically based recommendations for bodybuilders and strength athletes

“Not just protein: Supplements to optimize exercise-induced muscle growth – the current state of the science” is the (paraphrased) title of a paper published in 2024 by Paoli and colleagues. It's a good thing that we don't just have protein...

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Ingredient Spotlight: Was ist eigentlich Betain?

Ingredient Spotlight: What is Betaine?

Our new Mega Mass Power powder combines proven ingredients such as creatine and L-glutamine with strength-enhancing betaine. But what exactly is betaine and why is it so effective? Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine, comes from sugar beet and supports the body in three important ways: It provides methyl groups, regulates the fluid balance of cells and protects proteins from structural loss. Studies show that betaine can increase testosterone production, improve the testosterone-cortisol ratio and increase strength endurance. Use this scientific knowledge and maximize your performance with our new creatine complex - now at an exclusive introductory price

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Fit durch den Winter

Fit through the Winter

How the five pillars of bodybuilding will guide you safely through the cold season Who hasn't experienced it: Training is going extremely well, the heavy weights in the gym suddenly feel as light as a feather and your form is...

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Was sind EAAs und warum sollte ich sie nehmen?

What are EAAs and why should I take them?

Just in time for the release of our new Premium EAA flavor peach iced tea, we would like to explain to you in the following blog post what EAAs are all about and why it can make sense to take...

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Die größten Vorurteile gegenüber Protein

The biggest prejudices against protein

We do educational work! Who hasn't experienced it: You're calmly drinking your post-workout shake and some acquaintance, work colleague or family member starts to lecture you without being asked: “ This artificial stuff can’t be healthy! ” “ I heard...

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